The Leuser Ecosystem is the only place on Earth where you can find elephants, tigers, rhinos, and orangutans under the same forest canopy. 

But our undercover investigations have exposed palm oil plantations responsible for destroying critical wildlife habitat in the Leuser Ecosystem. We traced this Conflict Palm Oil to big brands making products ranging from snacks and sweets to pet food and personal care products.

These brands are NOT following their own commitments to no deforestation and they still can't guarantee deforestation-free palm oil in their products! 

Tell them the time has come to cut ties to Conflict Palm Oil and STOP deforestation in the Leuser Ecosystem!

Keep your promise: stop deforestation 

To: Ferrero, Mondelēz, Procter & Gamble, Nestlé, and Unilever:

Field investigations conducted by RAN have documented that palm oil grown at the expense of the rainforests in Indonesia’s world-renowned Leuser Ecosystem is being used to manufacture products sold by your company.

Your company claims to be committed to “No Deforestation” — but it has failed to take responsibility for knowing what’s happening at the forest floor and intervening to ensure Conflict Palm Oil does not enter its supply chain.

Effective immediately, your company must enforce its “No Deforestation” policy, disclose its forest footprint, and establish transparent and verifiable monitoring, traceability and compliance systems to ensure that all of your suppliers are producing truly responsible palm oil. 

Your company has made a promise to end deforestation. I’m calling on your company to ensure you uphold that promise and stop driving destruction into the heart of the Leuser Ecosystem, one of the highest priority conservation landscapes for addressing the climate and extinction crises. We still have a chance to keep forests standing in the Leuser Ecosystem, but there is no time to waste.