Your tax-deductible donation today will provide crucial and rapid funding for people fighting in their own communities across the globe to protect millions of acres of forest, to keep millions of tons of carbon in the ground, and to protect the rights and self determination of local communities. You can be a part of this effort by donating now!

Make a monthly donation to help protect people and planet all year!

Donation Method

Complete the form and click the Donate button to be directed to PayPal to complete this donation using your PayPal account.

Complete the form and click the Donate button to be directed to link your bank account to complete this donation.

Complete the form and click either the Paypal or Venmo buttons at the bottom to complete your donation.

Personal Information

gift summary icon

Thank you! Your one-time, tax-deductible gift will be processed within the next 24 hours for a total of 0 [$$$].

Thank you! Your monthly, tax-deductible gift will be processed within the next 24 hours for a total of 0 [$$$] and again for the same amount on the same day every month.

Jaguar looking away