Call out Chubb & demand they stop insuring fossil fuels!
Insurance companies exist because we pay them to help us in case of disasters. But Chubb continues to insure fossil fuel projects that are destroying our lives, our communities, and our shared climate — and pretending to be “insurance that protects when it matters most.”
That’s we disrupted the Chubb Classic Golf Tournament in Naples, Florida to demand Chubb do what insurance is supposed to do: protect people and planet, NOT fossil fuels!
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Suggested Tweet: .@ChubbNA claims to be "insurance that protects when it matters most" yet continues to insure fossil fuels, driving climate chaos that's destroying homes, lives, & our shared climate. @Chubb: you must protect people & planet, not polluters!
Suggested Facebook: Chubb claims to be "insurance that protects when it matters most" and yet continues to insure fossil fuels, driving climate chaos that's destroying homes, lives, and our shared climate. Enough is enough. @Chubb MUST stop insuring oil and gas once and for all and commit to protecting people and planet, not polluters! #InsureOurFuture