Demand U.S. Banks Defund Climate Chaos NOW

Our latest Banking On Climate Chaos report is exposing the world’s biggest banks for directly bankrolling the climate crisis and human rights abuses.

U.S banks are leading the pack of fossil fuel financing, with the Big 6 — aka Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, Citi, Wells Fargo, Morgan Stanley, and Goldman Sachs — committing over $81 billion fossil fuel EXPANSION in 2023 alone.

Sign the petition below, demanding they defund climate chaos for good.

We have less than 6 years to cut global fossil fuel use in half if we have any chance of keeping our climate from overheating past the 1.5°C danger zone. 2023 was the hottest year ever recorded — and communities around the world were devastated by climate disasters like heat waves, droughts, stronger storms, atmospheric rivers, flooding, record-low global sea ice, tropical cyclones, and a global wildfire crisis. Without rapid action, we’re on course to surpass 2°C or more — with devastating consequences for all of us.

Given this urgency, it is unacceptable that U.S. banks — including Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, Citi, Wells Fargo, Morgan Stanley, and Goldman Sachs — are continuing to pour hundreds of billions of dollars into fossil fuel companies and their dirty expansion projects, being responsible for a combined $859.3 billion in fossil fuel expansion financing since the Paris Agreement.

The Big 6 U.S. Banks are some of the world’s biggest bankers of fossil fuels, and as such, we have a set of clear demands for you: 

1. Exclude all finance for fossil fuel expansion immediately.

2. Adopt absolute financed emissions reduction targets for oil, gas, and coal aligned with a rigorous 1.5 C scenario.

3. Demand robust, 1.5ºC-aligned transition plans for all existing fossil fuel clients.

4. Protect human rights and the rights of Indigenous Peoples.

5. Scale up financing for a just and fair transition.

These are necessary steps for aligning the Big 6 U.S. banks with a world in which climate change is limited to 1.5°C and human rights are fully respected.

We are now in the decisive decade for the climate, and we need to see meaningful policies NOW. You must defund climate chaos – before it is too late.