Procter & Gamble: Respect Indigenous Peoples' Rights!

Indigenous communities, such as those of Long Isun’s 80,000 hectare forests in East Kalimantan, Indonesia, have been fighting for land recognition and forest protection. Procter & Gamble can do the right thing and fight on the side of upholding Indigenous peoples' rights, protecting the environment, and ensuring the future of the planet.

As we approach the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples, we’re urging P&G to adopt a comprehensive Human Rights Defender policy immediately!​​​​​​

Rainforests are key to the survival of organized human society: They sequester enough carbon to keep the planet 1°C cooler, generate life-sustaining rain, and protect food systems, to name a few critical ecosystem services.

Rainforests also form the cultural and economic backbone of Indigenous and local communities who have stewarded the land for centuries and sometimes millennia, helping keep our planet within safe operating boundaries.

Indigenous communities have been fighting desperately for land recognition and forest protection. All the while, corporations like Procter & Gamble ignore the human rights violations perpetrated by their business partners. That’s why we need P&G to adopt a comprehensive Human Rights Defender policy (HRD) in order to stop intimidation and criminalization against Indigenous communities who are protecting their ancestral territories.

Kind Regards,

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